Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

Kelompok 8

Kelompok 8 Ahmad Mahfudillah Syam Nurhidayati Language There are some explanation about language, Pinker explains on is book The English Instinct (1994) that language is complex, specialized skill, which develops in the child spontaneously, without conscious effort or formal instruction. Then we can decide about language: 1. Language is systematic. 2. Language is a set arbitrary symbols. 3. Those symbols are primary vocal, but may also by visual. 4. The symbols have conventionalized meanings to which they refer. 5. Language is used or communication. 6. Language operate in a speech community or culture. 7. Language is essentially human, although possibly not limited to human. 8. Language is acquired by all people in much the same way. Learning Learning a second language is long and complex process because it is a new language, a new culture, a new way of thinking, feeling and acting in our life. So, to make it success, we must have total commitment, total involvement and total physical instruction, intellectual, and emotional response to this second language. Teaching We can decide teaching a second language by: 1. Teaching characteristic. Before we teach the learner, we have to know about the ethnic, linguistic, religious heritage, native language, level of education, socio-economic, life experiences, intellectual capacities, abilities, strength and weaknesses personality of the learner. 2. Linguistic factors. The factor that we must know is system and function of language phonemes, morphemes, words and sentences. 3. Learning process The learning process of second language will success if the teacher have a good strategies for his learner, and then he must use a cognitive process to support his strategies. After knowing or preparing the strategies, the teacher should be understand about frequency of input attention to form and meaning, memory and storage processes of the learner.

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