Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

kelompok 13

Name                    : NIRWATI 
                                KUSNO ABDUL AZIZ
KELOMPOK      : 13 

The younger children, the easier they study . One of the key issues in second language research and teaching is a cluster of question about differences between children and adults in learning a second language. Some second language acquisition successfully takes place outside of any educational context. Consider the amount of time spent in classrooms learning a second language. Linguistic milieu of the second language, that is, in a second language situation. They are focusing on a foreign language context in which the second language is heard and spoken only in artificial environment. They are had motivated by the achievement of a successful career. Many people of the target language beyond these categories, emotional, personal or intellectual reason. Even though they have problems, they can smile as usual. We can rejoice in our defeats because we know that it is the very elusiveness of the phenomenon of SLA. The chapters of this book are designed to give you a picture of both the slipperiness of SLA. And, most important, that understanding is essentially a theory that explicates the construct. Since you are interested in second language acquisition, you would no doubt dig deep into your memory. Language is a complex, specialized skill which develops in the child spontaneous effort or formal instruction. A consolidation of a number of possible definitions of language yields the following composite definition, language is systematic, language is used for communication. We will have aspects to be understood in the context of an academic program in a particular language. Learning and teaching have some traditional definition. Learning is acquiring of knowledge of a subject or a skill.             

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