Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

Group 3

Name : Mery Intinia Defi              (2130730023)
            Ahmad Hudan Grisha        (2130730025)
Group 3

Teaching and Learning

Age and Acquisition
Age is one of the most important affective factors in Second Language Acquisition (SLA). There is some consensus among SLA researchers that age as an affective factor that brings about different performance stages in second language learning. Common observation tell us that children are better language learner than adult. Most experts also agree that individual learners learn differently depending on many variables like learning opportunities, the motivation to learn, individual differences and learning styles in second language acquisition.
Rejoicing In Our Defeats
Rejoice in our defeats because we know that it is the very clusiveness of the phenomenon of second language acquisition that makes the quest for answers so exciting.
language is a complex, speciallized skill, which develops in the child spontaneously, without concious effort or formal intruction, is deployed without awareness of its underlying logic is qualitatively the same in every individual and is distirct from more general abilities to process information or behave intelligently.
definition of language : - language is used for communication
                                      - language operates in speech community or culture
                                      - language is essentially human, although possibly not limited to humans.
Learning and Teaching

Learning is acquisition or getting of knowledge of a subject and retention of informayion or skill. Learning can change in an individual caused by experience. Beside that teaching can help someone to learn how to do something giving instruction and study something. Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning and setting the conditions for learning. Theory of teaching, in harmony with you integrated understanding of the learner and of the subject matter to be learned, will point the way to succesful procedures on a given learner under the various contraints of the particular context of learning.

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