Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

Group 2 (Andita Suryani-Jeffry Yudistira)

Name of Group 2        :
1.      Andita Suryani
2.      Jeffry Yudistira

Age and Acquisition
Age and acquisition is very related each other. It is important for us to know when the learner learn second language at the first time? One thing that that is very crucial in learning second language research is that there are some question about the differences between children and adults to learn a second language. Some of research explain that children are better than adults in learning second language context. From this statement, it appears some questions that what is the different age can influence their emotional development of learning second language between children and adult

Language is a complex system of communication, specialized-skill which appear in the child spontaneously, come automatically without formal instruction, without awareness of its underlying logic is qualitatively the same in every individual and is distirct from more general abilities to process information or behave intelligently.
è The function of language.
Actually the main purpose of language function is that to communication each other. Each purpose can be known as a language function. Savignon describes a language function as “the use to which language is put, the purpose of an utterance rather than the particular grammatical form an utterance takes” (Savignon, 1983. In this way, students use the language in order to fulfill a specific purpose, therefore making their speech more meaningful.

Learning and Teaching
è The definition of learning is that “Getting a knowledge through the study, instruction, and experience”, while teaching is that “How the way someone to give the instructions, provide knowledge, and to learn how to do something.
è The components of learning can order by acquisition process and it will appear their perception. After appearing their perception, they will saved in their mind (memory storage system). Then, they will (recall) or remember again what they get, from something that is remembered, they will get a motivation so that they will know the method and the learning style. After that, they will strengthen it and they can practice from what they have.
Relationship between learning and teaching
1.      Teaching is providing facilities for learning.
2.      Giving chance the learner to learn
3.      Manage the condition
4.      Your understanding will determine your teaching style, methods, and soon
To sum up, how your way or theory that you teach is your way and theory of learning.

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