Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

Group 3

Name : Mery Intinia Defi
            Ahmad Hudan Grisha

Left and Right Brain Dominance
In general, the left and right hemispheres of our brain process information in different ways. While we have a natural tendency towards one way of thinking, the two sides of our brain work together in our everyday lives. The right brain of the brain focuses on the visual, and processes information in an intuitive and simultaneous way, looking first at the whole picture then the details. The focus of the left brain is verbal, processing information in an analytical and sequential way, looking first at the pieces then putting them together to get the whole. 
We will write the characteristic from right brain dominant, and left brain dominant.

 Right brain dominant
J They will be a doctor, Accounting, Consultant
J They like read a news peaper , magazine and does not like reading a novel
J Singuinis / diligent with talk
J They like difinitive answer / certainily
J Like amaziment
J They are not a dreames
J Doesn’t like a expertence which chanenge

 Left brain dominant
J They will choice an art class than mathematics or sains
J They will be a sosial consultant and taecher
J PD, like on abstract
J Like a free life
J They can know people face than people name
J They can know a drawing than numeral

Ambiguity Tolarance
   Early definitions of ambiguity regarded uncertainty in real life. In such definitions, ambiguity was described as caused by the nature of cues available in the context or stimulus given. McLain (1993), for example, defines ambiguity as not having sufficient information about a context. According to Budner (1962), ambiguous situations can be of three different types: new situations, complex situations, and contradictory situations. These are, respectively, where there are not sufficient or nonexistent cues, where there are too many cues, and where cues are not easy to distinguish. Norton (1975), further, summarizes causes of ambiguity as multiple meaning, vagueness, incompleteness, or fragmentation, a probability, unstructured, lack of information, uncertainty, inconsistencies and contradictions, and unclear. 
Reflectivity and Impluisivity
Reflective learners like to think about language and how to convey their message accurately. They tend not to make so many mistakes because they take time in formulating what they want to say.
Impulsive learners take risks with the language. They are more concerned with speaking fluently than speaking accurately, and so make more mistakes.

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