Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

Group 13.

    Name : Khusno Abdul Aziz 

    1. Process, Style, and Strategy
    a. Process can mean all human characteristics. Because all men are involved in the processes of certain universal. Just as we need water, air and food for survival, as well as all human beings to live kecerdasannormal levels or certain types of learning.
    b. Style is a term that refers to the inclination or kesukaanyang consistent and somewhat durable in person. General diartikankarakteristik style can also work inte intellectuals relating to you as an individual, and that sets you apart from others.
    c. Strategy is a special method to approach the problem or task, style-style operation to achieve certain goals, design structured to manipulate certain defines learning strategy second language as' actions, behaviors, steps, or techniques used by pupils specific to improve their own learning.

    2.Learning Styles
     Learning style is a variation means that one has to accumulate and assimilate information. Basically, your learning style is the best method that allows you to collect and use specific knowledge. Most experts agree that there are three basic kinds of learning styles. Each individual is allowed to have one kind of learning style or can have a combination of different learning styles. 
    A. Learning Styles Visual
    B. Auditory Learning Style
    C. Kinethetic Learning Styles
    3. Field  Independence
    Based on the analysis and discussion of the results of each subject, 
    There are several conclusions obtained. From the study of understanding in solving
    evidentiary issues can be summarized as follows: Independent field of student understanding in solving the problem of proof on group concept as follows: (i) to understand the problem, the student independent field mentions some of the criteria in understanding the problem consisting of: determining the data What is known, proven, determine what is proven, concepts
    deals with the problems can be revealed though not at issue, the solution plan, first determine the plan that will be implemented using the definition. Second, determine the necessary condition that
    meets four axioms which consists of a closed nature, associative, and identity elements each
    element has an inverse. There are several steps workmanship, not done
    checking, for example, do not check the identity element

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