Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

Language, Learning and Teaching

Group 7 : 

   #  Anis Rovita 
   #  Samrotul Ma'sumi

Learning and teaching is a complex human activity which all things need proses and will give a changing by learning and teaching itself. Learning is a process that everyone can change in term of behavior as a result of exercise continuously. Another definition, learning is a conscious effort made by the individual in changing behavior through training and experience related to aspects of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor to obtain a particular purpose.
While teaching is proses and step that make someone learning, in the other word teaching is a process of student instruction source in learning environment.
The point of teaching is on a teacher, but it does not mean that in the teaching and learning process only a teacher plays an active role while the student is not active, learning and teaching requires the activity of both parties. A lesson can be said better managed if the teacher is able to change the self-learners and be able to enhance awareness of the learners to learn, so that the experience that learners get during the learning process can be felt.


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