Rabu, 10 Juni 2015

GROUP 3 ( Merry & Hudan )

NAME              : MERY INTINIA DEFI (2130730023)       
              AHMAD HUDAN G (2130730025)
GROUP          :  3 

Cooperative Learning Techniques is loosely categorized by the skill that each enhances (Barkley, Cross and Major, 2005) Categories include: discussionreciprocal teachinggraphic organizerswriting and problem solving. Each category includes a number of potential structures to guide the development of a cooperative learning exercise. 

To help course members get to know each other.
To find out about course members’ previous experience with teaching and groups
Suggested Procedure :
Forming Groups
Three-Step Interview
Introductions within the Class
"A good give-and-take discussion can produce unmatched learning experiences as students articulate their ideas, respond to their classmates' points, and develop skills in evaluating the evidence of their own and others' positions.

2. Jigsaw
 Jigsaw is a grouping strategy in which the members of the class are organized into "jigsaw" groups. The students are then reorganized into "expert" groups containing one member from each jigsaw group. The members of the expert group work together to learn the material or solve the problem, then return to their "jigsaw" groups to share their learning. The work of the expert groups is quickly disseminated throughout the class, with each person taking responsibility for sharing a piece of the puzzle.

 3.Two Stay Two Stray
 A group with the aim of learning systems so that students can work together be responsible, helping each other solve problems and encourage each other to excel. This method also trains students to socialize well.

Step 1, Reading
The class reads and discusses a text, e.g. two definitions of cooperative learning, focusing on similarities and differences.
Step 2, The Write Step
Each person works alone to write ideas for transforming lessons. 
Step 3, The Pair Group
This pair step is an opportunity to practice the collaborative skills of giving and responding to praise.
Step 4, The Share Step
Course members Share some of their pair’s ideas with the class.

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