Rabu, 10 Juni 2015

Group 13.

Name: khusno abdul aziz (2130730007)       
Nirwati (2130730014)

Cooperative Learning Techniques is loosely categorized by the skill that each enhances (Barkley, Cross and Major, 2005), although it is important to recognize that many cooperative learning exercises can be developed to fit within multiple categories. Categories include: discussionreciprocal teachinggraphic organizerswriting and problem solving. Each category includes a number of potential structures to guide the development of a cooperative learning exercise. 

·         Objectives:
-          To help course members get to know each other.
-          To find out about course members’ previous experience with teaching and groups
·         Suggested Procedure
1.      Forming Groups
2.      Three-Step Interview
3.      Introductions within the Class
"A good give-and-take discussion can produce unmatched learning experiences as students articulate their ideas, respond to their classmates' points, and develop skills in evaluating the evidence of their own and others' positions.

2. Jigsaw
 For more complex problems, this structure provides students the opportunity to develop expertise in one of many components of a problem by first participating in a group solely focused on a single component. In the second stage of the exercise, groups are reformed with a representative from each expert group who together now have sufficient expertise to tackle the whole problem.

1.      Step 1: Group of 3 does a task.
2.      Step 2: One member Stays, while the other two Stray to find out what other groups have.
3.      Step 3: The Strayers return to their original group and tell about what they observed.

44.   WRITE-PAIR-SHARE :Suggested Procedure
Step 1, Reading
The class reads and discusses a text, e.g. two definitions of cooperative learning, focusing on similarities and differences. Note: There are many other definitions.
Step 2, The Write Step
Each person works alone to write ideas for transforming lessons. They can use their course book/textbook to find a lesson to transform.
Step 3, The Pair Group
Course members Pair and discuss their ideas with their partner. This pair step is an opportunity to practice the collaborative skills of giving and responding to praise.
Step 4, The Share Step
Course members Share some of their pair’s ideas with the class.

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