Rabu, 10 Juni 2015

GROUP 8 Ahmad Mahfudillah Syam and Nur Hidayati

Kinds of Cooperative Learning
Types of cooperative learning:

Informal Cooperative Learning Groups
Formal Cooperative Learning Groups
Cooperative Base Groups
short-term less structured turn to the neighbor
stay together until the task is done

long-term peer support
- in any class size
- focus attention prior to lecture
- set to break up lecture
- "reset," check for understanding, review what was said, summarize the main
- review homework
- work through a problem together
- review for a test
- perform a lab experiment
- write a report
- do a project
- academic support
- study for test, make sure all are achieving
- routine tasks
- homework, attendance
- personal support sympathetic listening, trust-building, cross-cultural relationship building

Jingsaw Technique.
Jigsaw is a grouping strategy in which the members of the class are organized into "jigsaw" groups.
Two-Stray Two-Stay.
This technique gets students moving around the room while working with classmates to solve problems and answer questions. This also allows all student the opportunity to be the teacher.
Team Game Tournament (TGT).
TGT is one of the effective evaluating procedures of cooperative learning. It requires home group or base group that consistently function in the class for a period of time.
Think, Pair, Share.
The think, pair,  and share strategy is a cooperative learning technique that encourage individual participation and is applicable across all grade levels and class sizes.

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