Rabu, 10 Juni 2015

GROUP 1 MUHAMMAD KHOIRUL WAFA (2130730024), LAYLATUL M (2130730002), M CHIKAL MAHADMAJA (2130730026)

NAME:          MUHAMMAD KHOIRUL WAFA            2130730024
                        LAYLATUL M                                            2130730002
                        M CHIKAL MAHADMAJA                      2130730026


-          To help course members get to know each other.
-          To find out about course members’ previous experience with teaching and groups
Suggested Procedure
1.      Forming Groups
Course members form groups of four. Groups might include people who have not met before or do not know each other well. Each person in the group has a letter: A, B, C, or D.
2.      Three-Step Interview
Person A interviews Person B; Person C interviews Person D. When finished, they switch roles: Person B interviews Person A; Person D interviews Person C. Time limit about 10 minutes.
3.      Introductions within the Class
If time permits, each person tells the whole class about one person in their group, e.g., Person A in one group can tell what they learned from Person C about Person D.
Discuss, first in groups and then as a whole class, how Three-Step Interview can be used for other purposes besides introductions.
2.      JIGSAW I (Slavin, 1990)
Suggested Procedure
1.      Step 1: Forming Home Teams
Course members form groups of four. This is their home team. In each foursome, each person has a different letter A, B, C, or D. Each person receives the section of the handout (Reading I) corresponding with their letter.
2.      Step 2: Forming Expert Teams
Each person leaves their home team and forms a group of no more than four with people from other foursomes who have the same letter. This is their expert team.
3.      Step 3: Experts Teach Their Home Teams
People return to their home teams. Beginning with person A, each person has three minutes (depend on the student’s quality) to teach their piece of the puzzle to the other members of their home team.
4.      Step 4: Presenting The Result
The result has been discussed in the group can be presented to the class.
1.      Step 1: Group of 3 does a task.
2.      Step 2: One member Stays, while the other two stray to find out what other groups have.
3.      Step 3: The Strayers return to their original group and tell about what they observed.
Suggested Procedure
1.      Step 1, Reading
The class reads and discusses a text, e.g. two definitions of cooperative learning, focusing on similarities and differences. Note: There are many other definitions.
2.      Step 2, The Write Step
Each person works alone to write ideas for transforming lessons.
3.      Step 3, The Pair Group
Course members Pair and discuss their ideas with their partner.
4.      Step 4, The Share Step
Course members Share some of their pair’s ideas with the class.

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