Selasa, 14 April 2015

group 03

Name : Mery Intinia Defi                           (2130730023)
             Achmad Hudan Grisha                  (2130730025)

Personality Factors

the emotional side of human believe behavior, and may be juxtaposed to cognitive side.
Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues provided a useful extended definition of the affective domain :
  1. The development of affectivity begins within receiving.
  2. Persons must go beyond receiving to responding commiting them selves in at  least some small measure to a phenomenon or a person.
  3. Involves valuing: placing worth on a thing, a behavior, or a person.
  4. The organization of values into a system beliefs, determining interrelationship among them, and establishing a hierarchy of values within the system.
  5. Individual become characterized by and understand themselves in term of their value sytem.

Self-Esteem is probably the most pervasive aspect of any human behavior.
It also expresses an attitude of approval or disapproval and indicates the extent to which individual believe themselves to be capable, significant, successful and worthy.
The general levels of self-esteem have been described in the literature to capture its multi dimensionality:
a.     General or global self-esteem : relatively stable in mature adult, and 
      resistant to change except by active and extended therapy.
b.     Situational or specific self-esteem : one’s self-appraisal in particular life
c.     Task self-esteem : relates to particular tasks within specific situation.

Willingness to Communicate
A factor related to attribution and self-efficacy, on that seen surge of recent interest in the research literature.
WTC may be defined as “ an underlying continuum representing the predisposition toward or away from communicating given the choice”.
The factor appear to contribute to predisposing on learner seek, and another learner to avoid, second language communication,

Yet another variable that is closely related to, and in some cases subsumed under the notion of the self-esteem and self-efficacy.
Those with weaker self-esteem maintain walls of inhibition to protect what is self-perceived to be weak or fragile ego, or a lack of self confidence in a situation or task.
Language ego : egoistic nature of second language acquisition involves some degree of identity conflict as language learners take on a new identity with their newly acquired competence.
Second language ego studies of learners with thin(permeable) and thick (not as permeable) ego boundaries.

Risk Taking
The learners have to be able to gamble a bit, to be willing to try out hunches about the language and take the risk of being wrong.   
Risk taking is an important characteristic of successful learning of second language.
Risk taking variation seems t be a factor in a number of issues in second languge acquisition and pedagogy.

Anxiety is associated with feelings of uneasiness, frustration, self-doubt, apprehension or worry.
The research on anxiety there are various levels :
Trait anxiety : more permanent predisposition to be anxious
State anxiety : experienced in relation to some particular event or act.
The components of foreign language anxiety identified :
  1. Communication apprehension
  2. Fear of negative social evaluation
  3. Test anxiety
Some approaches to language teaching fail to accomplish the goal of communicativity in the learner by overlooking the social nature of language.
Empathy is the process of reaching beyond the self to understand what another person feeling.
Language is one of the primary means of empathizing, but nonverbal communication facilities that the process of empathizing and must not be overlooked.

The extent to which a person has a deep-seated need to receive ego enhancement, self-esteem and a sense of wholeness from other people as opposed to receiving the affirmation within oneself.
Extroversion is commonly thought to be related to empathy but such may not be the case.

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