Rabu, 01 April 2015

Name: Lailatul M, M. Khoirul Wafa, M. Chikal Mahadmaja
Class: lV A

          The developed learners to be able to recognize and use English as a toolto communicate ideas requires to guide alearners to veriety of strategies they can take and implement to organize, associate and find usages for knowledge about this foreign language to  meet main goal of lesson: to speak English. The process of developing within learners a sense of autonomy required the use of strategies. Awareness is to engage student motivation into English context, make them to see  the importance in using a foreign language to speak English not only to travel around the world but also to develop deeply cognitive skills. Action is the learners associate and perform what teacher asks  and also use all those resources received to expres ideas about class and although related whit other aspect like their lives, likes, dislikes, styles etc.

Strategies are those specific “attacks”  that we make on a given problem and that very considerably within each individual. They are the moment by moment techniques that we imploy to solve “problems”  posed by second language input and out put. The field of second language acquisition has distinguished between two types of strategy: learning strategies and communication strategies. The former relate to input to processing, storage, and retrieval that is  taking in messages from others.
Rubin (Rubin & Thompsoon. 1982) later summarized fourteen such characteristics:
1.      Find their own way, taking charge of their learning
2.      Organize information about language
3.      Are creative developing a “feel” for the language by experimenting with its grammar and words
4.      Make their own opportunities for practice in using the language inside and outside the classroom
5.      Learn to live with uncertainty by not getting flustered and by continuing to talk or listen without understanding every word
6.      Use nemonics and other memory strategies to recall what has been learned
7.      Make errors work for them and not against them
8.       Use linguistic knowledge, including knowledge of their first language.
9.      Use contextual cause to help them in comprehension
10.  Learn to make intelligentguesess
11.  Learn to chunks of language as wholes and formalized routines to help them perform “beyond their competence”
12.  Lear certain trick that help to keep  conversation going
13.  Learn ceratin production strategies to fill in gaps in their own competence
14.  Learn different style of speech and writing and learn to very their language according to the formality of the situation.

Typically strategies were divided into three main categories,
a.      Metacognitive strategies is a term used in information processing theory to indicate an executive function
Metacognitive related to
Ø  Advance organizer
Ø  Directed attention
Ø  Selective attention
Ø  Self-management
Ø  Functional palnning
Ø  Self monitoring
Ø  Delayed produntion
Ø  Self-evaluation
b.      Cognitive strategies are more limited to specific learning tasks and involve more direct manipulation of the learning material itself.
Cognitive strategies related to:
Ø  Translation
Ø  Grouping
Ø  Note taking
Ø  Deduction
Ø  Recombination
Ø  Imagery
Ø  Auditory representation
Ø  Keyword
Ø  Contextualization
Ø  Elaboration
Ø  Transfer
Ø  Inferencing
c.       Socioaffective Strategies
Ø  Cooperation
Ø  Question forclarification

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