Rabu, 15 April 2015

Adiati Bagus - Fifin Ismi

Name:  Fifin Ismi Mahmudah (2130730028)
                Adiati Bagus Sadewa (2130730005)
Class: IV A
The Affective Domain
Affective Factors in SLA
                Affective domain is the emotional side of human behavior, and it may be juxtaposed to the cognitive side. 
The development of affectivity:
1.       Receiving.
2.       Responding
3.       Valuing
4.       Organization
5.       Value system
The factors of affective:
§  Self esteem
Self esteem is a personal judgment of worthiness that is expressed in attitude the individual ct
§  Wilingness
Wilingness can be defined as an underfying continuum representing the predisposition toward or away from comunicating given the choice.
§  Inhibition
Inhibition is unabale to relax and express the feeling naturally. If the learners of second language get many difficulty in learning second language, they will get difficulty to dominate the language as well.
§  Risk Taking
The learners have to be able to gamble a bit, to be willing to try out hunches about the language and take the risk of being wrong. When someone does not afraid to take a risk and make a mistake, she/he will be able to dominate the language which they learn.
§  Anxiety
Anxiety is the subjective feeling of tension, apprehension, nervousness, and worry ascosiated with an arousal of the autonomic nervous system.
§  Empathy
Empathy is described as the projection of one’s own personality into the personality of others in order to understand them better. Someone who have high emphaty will be easier to dominate the second language than someone who have a bit emphaty.
§  Extroversion
Extroversion is the extent to which a person has a deep-seated need to receive ego enhancement, self-esteem, and a sense of wholeness from other people as opposed to receiving that affirmation within oneself.  

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