Rabu, 01 April 2015


    Implied in any consideration of the role of styles and strategies in learning a second language are three linked concepts: autonomy, awareness and action. If we looking at history in 1970s with methods that student just come to the class and waited for the teacher to tell them what to do. Then, the profesion seemed to discover the value of learner autonomy in the form allowing learners to do things like initiate oral production, solve problem in small group ect.
    Closely linked to the concept of autonomy is the demand on learners to become aware of their own processes of learning. Now, awareness and conciousness raising language programs are offering more occasions for learners to develop a metacognitive awareness of their ongoing learning. However, autonomy, awareness and action become one. To make simply a reminder to all awarenesss without action will be relatively useless. Once learners can become aware of their predispositions, their styles, and their strenght and weaknesses.
    Strategies is needed learning. We saw that certain learners sseemed to be ssuccesful regardless of method of techniques of learning. Rubin ( Rubin & Thompson, 1982) later summarized fourteen such characteristics. Good language leaarners
  • Find their own way, taking charge of their learning.
  • Organize information about language.
  • Are creative, developing a “feel” for the language by experimenting with its grammar ad words.
  • Make their own opportunities for practice in using the language inside and outside the classroom.
  • Learn to live with uncertainty by not getting flustered and by continuing to talk or listen without understanding every wond.
  • Use mnemonics and other memory strategies to recall what has been learned. Ect
  • Teachers , on the one hand, can benefit from attending to what might indeed be very common strategies for successful learning accross many cultures and contexts, but they need to be ever mindful of individual needs and variations as well as the cultural context of learning.
Learning strategies is a very careful defining of specific learning strategies. Typically, strategies were divided into three main categories.
  • Metacognitive Strategies is a term used in information and processing theory to indicate an “ executive “ function, strategies that involve planning for learning, thinking about the learning process as it is taking place, monitoring of one’s production or comprehension, and evaluating learning after an activity is completed. The strategies are advance Organizers, Directed attention, Fplanning, Selective attention, Self- management, Delayed production and Self- monitoring.
  • Cognitive Strategies are more limited to specific learning tasks and involve more direct manipulation of the learning material itself. The strategies are Repetition, Resourcing, Translation, Grouping, Note taking, Deduction and others.
  • Socioaffctive Strategies have to do with social mediating activity and interacting with others. The strategies are Cooperation and Question for clarification.

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