Selasa, 07 April 2015

Group 10: Eny Faizah and Ahmad Baidlawi F.

While learning strategies deal with the receptive domain of intake, memory, storage, and recall, communication strategies pertain to the employment of verbal or non verbal mechanisms for the productive communication of information. While the research of the last decade does indeed focus largely on the compensatory nature of communication strategies, more recent approaches seem to take a more positive view of communication strategies as elements of an overall strategic competence in which learners bring the bear all bear all possible facets of their growing competence in order to send clear message in the second language. Perhaps the best way to understand what is the meant by communication strategy is to look at a typical list of such strategies. We will elaborate here on a few of strategies.
9 steps to effective strategic planning:
1)      Map the present situation
2)      Talk to key stakeholders
3)      Future state vision
4)      Prioritize vision elements
5)      Develop actionable objectives
6)      Develop and prioritize potential strategies and tactics
7)      Define metrics, timelines and responsibilities
8)      Develop strategic and tactical plans
9)      Implementation and beyond
Avoidance is a common communication strategy that can be broken down into several subcategories. The learner avoided the lexical item road entirely, not being able to come up with the word way at that point. A more direct type of avoidance is topic avoidance, in which a whole topic of conversation (say, talking about what happened yesterday if the past tense is unfamiliar) might be avoided entirely.
Typical of rock-bottom beginning –level learners, for example, is the memorization of certain stock phrases or sentences without internalized knowledge of their components. Code-switching is the use of a first or third language within a stream of speech in the second language. Yet another common compensatory strategy is a direct appeal for help, often termed appeal to authority.

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