GROUP 13 :
NIRWATI ( 2130730014 )
ABDUL. A (2130730007 )
Self- esteem
Self- esteem is probably the most
pervasive aspect of any human behavior.
ü Global self- esteem
ü Situational or specific self- esteem
ü Task self- esteem
Attribution theory and self- efficacy
ü Atribution theory focuses on how
people explain the causes of their own successes and fall ures.
ü Self- efficacy is a learner feels he
or she is capable of carriying out a given task in other words,a sinse of self-
efficacy, an appropriate degree of effort may be devoted to achieving success.
Willingnees to
Willingnees to communicate as the
tackle a second language.
Yet another variable that is closely
related to and in some cases subsumed under the notion of self- efficacy is the
concept of inhibition.
Risk Taking
Rist taking is a n important characteristic
of succesful learning of a second language. Beebe 1983 p.41 cited the study which
claimed that person whit a high motivation to achieve are moderate, not high,
rissk takers. Beebe , p. 40 discribed some of the negative ramifications that
foster fear of risk taking both in the classroom and in natural settings.
State anxiety as experiencedin
relation to some particular even or act. Language anxiety, as uit has come to
be known, focuses more specificaalyly on the situational nature of state
components of foreign language anxiety.
1. Comunication apprehension
2. Fear of negative social evaluation
3. Test anxiety
Understanding of anxienty is divided into two terms
1. Debilitative
2. Facilitative anxienty
Empathy is the process of putting
yourself into someone else’s shoes, of reaching beyond the self to understand
what another person is feeling.
The extroversion is the extent to
which a person has a deep seated need to receive ego enhancement, self esteem,
and a sense of wholeness from other people opposed to receiving that
affirmation whithin oneself.
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