Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

group 14

Nita Wahyuni (2130730019)

Ayu Wandyra (2130730009)


Communicative competence

Defining communicative competence
            The term communicative competence (CC) was coined by Dell Hymes (1972,1967), a sociolinguist who was convinced that Chomsky,s (1965) notion of competence was too limited. Chomsky’s “rute-governed creativity” that so aptly described a child’s mushrooming grammar at the age of 3 or 4 did not according to Hymes account sufficiently for the social and functional rules of language.
In Canale and Swain’s and later in Canale’s (1983) definition four different components or subcategories made up the construct of CC. The first two subcategories reflected the use of the linguistic system itself the last two defined the functional aspects of communication.
1. Grammatical competence is that aspect of CC that encompasses “knowledge of lexical items and of rules of morphology, syntax, sentence grammar semantics, and phonology”.
2. the second subcategory is discourse competente, the complement of grammatical competence in many ways.
3. sociolinguistic competence is the knowledge of the sociocultural rules of language and of discourse.
4. the fourth subcategory is strategiec competence a construct that is exceedingly complex. 

Language Functions
            Second language learner need to understand the purpose of communicatio, developing an awereness of what the purpose of a communicative act is how to achieve that purpose through linguistic forms.
     Organizational Competence
a.       Grammatical Competence    :     Vocabulatory
                                                                Phonology/ Craphonoly
b.      Textual Competence             :    Cohesion
                                                               Rhetorical Organization
Pragmatic Competence
      a.    Illocutionary Competence    :      Ideational Function
                                                          Heuristic Function
                                                          Imaginative Function
b     Sociolinguistic Competence :      Sensitivity to Dialect or Variety
                                                          Sensitivity to Register
                                                          Cultural References and Figures of Speech

Components of communicative language ability in communicative language use
1.      Knowledge structures and Language
2.      competence-Strategic competence
3.      Psychophy siological Mechanisms
4.      Context of Situation.

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