Rabu, 20 Mei 2015

Group 10: Eny Faizah and Ahmad Baidlawi F.

Ø  Functions are essentially the purposes that we accomplish with language.
1)      Stating
2)      Requesting
3)      Responding
4)      Greeting
5)      Parting, etc.
Ø  Functions cannot be accomplished, of course, without the forms of language:
1.      Morphemes
2.      Words
3.      Grammar rules
4.      Discourse rules
5.      Other organizational competencies.
Ø  Communication is a series of communicative acts or speech acts, to use John Austin’s (1962) term, which are used systematically to accomplish particular purposes.
Ø  Second language learners need to understand the purpose of communication, developing an awareness of what the purpose of communicative act is and how to achieve that purpose through linguistic form.

A.    Halliday’s Seven Functions of Language
Michael Halliday (1973), who provided one of the best expositions of language functions of language functions, used the term to mean the purposive nature of communication, and outlined seven different functions of language:
1.      The instrumental function
2.      The regulatory function
3.      The representational function
4.      The interactional function
5.      The personal function
6.      The heuristic function
7.      Imaginative function
B.     Functional Approaches to Language teaching
> Structural syllabus was relegated to a secondary focus.
>  The “functional” part of the notional-functional syllabus corresponded to what have defined above as language functions
>  Curricula were organized around such functions as:
a)      Identifying
b)      Reporting
c)      Denying
d)     Declining an invitation
e)      Asking permission
f)       Apologizing, ect
ü  The following functions are covered in the several lessons of an advanced-beginner’s textbook:
1)      Introducing self and other people
2)      Exchanging personal information
3)      Asking how to spell someone’s name
4)      Giving commands
5)      Apologizing and thanking
6)      Identifying and describing people
7)      Asking for information

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