Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

group 13

Name : khusno abdul aziz

Communicative Competence

·       Defining Communicative Competence

Communicative competence distinguished between linguistic and communicative competence“about” language forms and knowledge that enables a person to communicate functionally and interactively.
There are 4 different competences, or subcategories, made up the construct of Communicative Competence:
1.      Grammatical competence à The encompasses, its mean that knowledge of lexical items and of rules morphology, syntax, sentence-grammar semantics, and phonology.
2.      Discourse competence à The ability we have to connect sentences in stretches of discourse and to form a meaningful whole out of a series of utterances.
3.      Sociolinguistic competence à The knowledge of the socio cultural rules of language and of discourse.
4.      Strategic competence à a construct that is exceedingly complex.

·        Language Functions

Function are essentially the purposes with language, for instance stating, requesting, responding, greeting, etc.
Communication is not merely an event, something that happens: it is functional, purposed, and designed to bring about some effect, however subtle or unobservable on the environment of speakers.
Second language learner need to understand the purpose of communicative, developing an awareness of what the purpose of a communicative act is how to achieve that purpose through linguistic forms.
a.      Organizational Competence  
Grammatical Competence    :     Vocabulatory
Phonology/ Craphonoly
                   Textual Competence             :      Cohesion
                                                                       Rhetorical Organization
b.      Pragmatic Competence
Ilocutionary Competence    :      Ideational Function
                                                     Manipulative Function
                                                     Heuristic Function
                                                     Imaginative Function
Sociolinguistic Competence :      Sensitivity to Dialect or Variety
                                                     Sensitivity to Register
                                                     Sensitivity to Naturalness
                                                     Cultural References and Figures of Speech

·        Holliday’s Seven Functions of Language

The functional apporach to describing language is one that has its roots in the tradition of british linguished who viewed language as intractive and interpersonal, “ a way of behaving and making other behave”
There are seven different of language :
1.      The instrumental function       à served of manipulate the environment, to cause certain happens
2.      The regulatory function             à language is the control of events
3.      The representational function  à used of language make statements convery, facts, and knowledge.
4.      The interactional function à language served ensure social mantain.
5.      The personal function à a speaker to express feeling emotion personality, good level, and reaction.
6.      The heurisctic function à involves language used to acquire knowledge to learn about environment
7.      The imaginative function à serves to create imaginary system or ideas.

·  Functional Approaches to Language Teaching

National-functional syllabuses is commonly known as a curriculum. Structural syllabus, was relagated to a secondary focus. Such as existence, space, time, quantity, and quality and to what we also call contexts or situations, such as travel, health, eductaion, shopping, and free time.
1.       Introducing self and other people
2.       Exchanging personal information
3.       Asking how to spell someone’s name
4.       Giving commands
5.       Apologizing and thanking
6.       Identifying and describing people
7.       Asking for information

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