Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

Group 2 (Andita Suryani-Jeffry Yudistira) COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE

Name Of Group 2
1.   Andita Suryani
2.   Jeffry Yudistira

Communicative Competence

Defining Communicative Competence

1.  Hymes : Communicative competence as that aspect of our competence that enables us within spesific contexts.
2. Savignon (1983, p. 9) noted that communicative competence is realative, not absolute, and depends on the cooperation of all the participants involved”
3.  Communicative Competence is including of “linguistic and communicative”.
4. Functional aspects of communication
a.                 Grammatical competence
b.                Discourse competence
c.                 Sociolinguistic competence
d.                Strategic competence

 Components of Language Competence

1. Organizational competence
a.     Grammatical competence
1.                 Vocabulary
2.                 Morphology
3.                 Syntax
4.                 Phonology/Craphology
b.    Textual Competence
1.                 Cohesion
2.                 Rhetorical Organization

2. Pragmatic Competence
a.     Illocutiory competence
1.                 Ideational Functions
2.                 Manupulative Functions
3.                 Heuristic functions
4.                 Imaginative functions
b.    Sociolinguistic competence
1.                 Sensitivity to dialect or variety
2.                 Sensitivity to register
3.                 Sensitivity to naturalness
4.                 Cultural references and figures of speech

Components of communicative language ability in communicative language use
Knowledge structures and Language competence - Strategic competence - Psychophysiological Mechanisms - Context of Situation.

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